Herbal Berry Lemonade

Ingredients: ¾ cup lemon juice ½ cup honey 3 cups brewed herbal tea (see below) ½ cup strawberry or blueberry puree (strained to remove seeds) Preparation: Mix all together and serve. Recipe by Lynise Perry – http://foodandspiritprofessional.com
Detox Juice 5

Ingredients: 1 medium cucumber 1 medium zucchini 1 bunch mint 2 pineapple slices Preparation: 1. Juice all the ingredients. 2. Serve in tall glasses and garnish with mint leaves. Recipe by Wendy Alfaro – http://foodandspiritprofessional.com
Detox Juice 4

Ingredients: 1 medium cucumber 2 celery stalks 1 bunch mint 1 bunch parsley 1 lemon Preparation: 1. Juice all the ingredients. 2. Serve in tall glasses and garnish with mint leaves.
Detox Juice 3

Ingredients: 2 medium cucumbers 2 celery stalks 1 bunch cilantro 1 inch turmeric root 1 lemon Preparation: 1. Juice all the ingredients. 2.Serve in tall glasses and garnish with mint leaves. Recipe by Wendy Alfaro – http://foodandspiritprofessional.com
Detox Juice 2
Ingredients: 2 medium cucumbers 2 celery stalks 1 small beet 1 small carrot Juice from one lemon Preparation: 1. Juice all the ingredients. 2. Serve in tall glasses. Recipe by Wendy Alfaro – http://foodandspiritprofessional.com