Functional Flavonoids, in the light of COVID-19

You’ve heard us harp on about the FACT that food is information. Well, without surprise, we see emerging research on food’s promising anti-corona activity is well on its way! It’s time to stay tuned and dig into the ‘edible’ medicine cabinet daily.  Respect for the power of flavonoids (a.k.a a group of health promoting natural […]

The Great Coconut Oil Debate

By Judith Johnson, Registered Dietician and Nutrigenetic Specialist Coconut oil is back in the spotlight. Do we cook with it, add it to our coffee, or simply use it as an occasional addition to a good Thai curry? The media has shifted its focus to the influence of coconut oil on heart health. There are […]

Are Lectins Bad for You? Pros & Cons of Lectin Foods

Although lectins are found packed into many highly nutritious foods, they’ve come under fire lately as a hidden source of health issues and inflammation, placing them among the list of antinutrients in foods. In fact, some nutrition experts claim that these seemingly harmless proteins could have some seriously detrimental effects, throwing your immune system out […]

ENERGY MENU by Cheryl Stevens

Are you struggling to get out of bed in the morning? Do you crash every night onto the sofa exhausted and brain dead? If all day energy is wishful thinking, your eating habits and food choices may need a review. Choose Clever Carbs (Complex over Simple) A well balanced diet is still the best practice. […]

The mathematics of weight loss

Simple steps to weight loss:  This video clip will show you where your fat goes when you do lose weight. Take a few moments to see how easy it is and see how carbohydrates (CHO) behave in your body.  

How Healthy is your Heart?

September is Heart Awareness Month 2015 Spring brings with it not only a promise of warmer weather, but also a renewed focus on heart disease. Diseases of the heart and the blood vessels –called cardiovascular disease – is the leading cause of death worldwide, and second only to HIV/AIDS in South Africa. September is dedicated […]

Detox and Cleanse

Detoxification: this is the buzz word this time of the year. But what does it mean and do we actually need to detox? Our poor bodies are constantly exposed to environmental toxins from heavy metals, drugs, pesticides, industrial compounds and all the things we put into our mouths (including the 10 000 chemicals added to […]

Healthy Snacking For Kids

Holidays are synonymous with friends, family, and good food. Holiday foods aren’t always healthy, though, and many of us deviate from our careful eating plans over the festive season. December can be an especially tricky time when it comes to this. Chips, sweets, chocolates and cakes are very tempting – for adults and children alike. […]

Why do you need Green Power?

Pollution. Urbanisation. Over-farming. Industrialisation. These disturbing symptoms of modern human life have led to an even more disturbing deterioration in the quality of our soil, air and water sources. This means that the plant foods that take root in our soil (or beneath our water) are also becoming deficient in the vitamins, minerals and organic […]

How to Curb your sugar cravings

Although the spike in energy is welcome, consuming large amounts of processed sugar can yield a number of undesirable results, namely dull skin, disrupted sleep and accelerated fat storage. Opting for foods that contain natural sugars can ensure that you still get a dose of sweetness without the unwanted effects. We spoke to Dietician Judith […]

The Protein Story

Dear Clients So much has been happening on the nutrition front this year, I almost don’t know where to begin. Firstly, you may have noticed the new Wellness Cafe at the waterfront which is making wonderful smoothies and juices and healthy meals for anyone in need of  ‘free from’ meals And, I have relocated to […]

Detox and cleansing…More on Banting….

Now that you are back into your usual routine after your break, it’s time to  get yourself back on track and to be mindful of your eating, especially if your lifestyle went on holiday too. So what does Detox mean and do we actually need to do it? Our poor bodies are constantly exposed to environmental […]

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